History of the Verdon or stories of the Verdon? Anyway, we have tried to gather here, some articles about the past in the Verdon. The “human” past is flourishing since the dawn of time. Indeed, the region has several prehistoric or medieval sites.

A place that has seen the iron and bronze ages. Then came the religious wars and closer to us the resistance during the second world war.

It is this knowledge of the past (far and near) that will allow you to better understand our present and to fully enjoy our region.

From prehistory to a more contemporary history, here are some themes centered around the Verdon and its surroundings. With time, we hope to be able to expand this section which does not lack subjects.

  • The Route Napoléon passes in Castellane

    Nestled in the heart of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Castellane is a picturesque town dominated by majestic rock. Known for its spectacular gorges and rich historical heritage, the town is also a point of passage for a mythical road: the Route Napoléon. Covering 325 kilometers between Golfe-Juan and Grenoble, this imperial route retraces the steps of Napoleon…

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  • Human settlement in Verdon, the history

    The Verdon has a long and rich history of human settlement, from prehistoric times to the present day. The oldest traces of human presence in the valley date back over 300,000 years. Verdon and the history of prehistoric human settlement The first men Nomadic hunter-gatherers first occupied the Verdon valley. They lived in caves and…

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  • Martel expedition 1905 in the Grand Canyon du Verdon

    The Martel expedition was led by the French speleologist Édouard-Alfred Martel (1859-1938). He went to Haute Provence in 1905. Sent by the Ministry of Agriculture, he came to study the resurgence of Fontaine l’Evêque (today drowned in the lake of Sainte-Croix). He then turned away by the Grand Canyon du Verdon, in particular by Rougon…

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  • Barreme distilleries and fine lavender in Haute Provence

      At the end of the XIXth century, the essence of lavender took a very important development. All of Haute Provence is thus embarking on production. Barrême fine lavender is then recognized for its quality. Barrême is gradually becoming an important center for collecting lavender and producing gasoline.   Schimmel Company Today converted into a…

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  • In Castellane, the Pétardiers Festival at the end of January

    Fête des Pétardiers Every last Sunday in January, the Fête des Pétardiers has been celebrated in Castellane for almost 450 years. At the end of January, it’s cold in the streets of Castellane and the town is almost deserted. The Fête des Pétardiers is a chance for everyone to get together. A theatrical re-enactment of…

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  • In the Verdon, climate changes between 2017 and 2018?

    Climatic changes “Climatic changes”. Words that we hear a lot these days unfortunately .. Between 2017 and 2018, we could note some climatic changes in the Verdon. Would this valley distant from the industrial world be affected by such whims of nature? 2018, rainy summer in the Verdon This year, with a generous winter in…

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  • Sirenians of the Col des Leques, 40 millions years ago

    The Sirenians The Sirenians of the Col des Lèques existed 40 million years ago. You have probably had the pleasure to read our previous article. So you certainly know the pass that leads to Castellane from Dignes; the Col des Lèques. Just after the camping des Sirènes on the right (coming from Castellane), you will…

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  • Rafting and raft, history of a revolutionary machine

    Rafting? What is it? Who invented it? What’s the point? So many questions that this article tries to answer.

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