Verdon Wings: an extraordinary aerial ballet

Verdon Wings. With its towering cliffs, deep gorges and emerald river, the region offers an ideal habitat for a multitude of birds. More than 200 species have been recorded in this natural paradise, offering nature lovers an extraordinary aerial spectacle.

Verdon Wings – Vultures

Among the majestic birds of prey that dominate the skies, the Griffon Vulture reigns supreme. With a wingspan of up to 2.8 metres, it soars elegantly over the cliffs. It scans the ground for animal carcasses. Its travelling companion, the Egyptian vulture, is smaller. It can be recognised by its bald head and yellow beak. It is content with smaller prey.

The village of Rougon and its place known as ‘Point Sublime’ are excellent places to observe these species. The first viewpoints on the Route des Crêtes above the Couloir Samson are also excellent observation sites. Vultures love the updrafts close to the cliffs.

Other birds of prey

The sharp eyes of the Golden Eagle, Europe’s largest bird of prey, leave nothing to be desired. This fearsome hunter is on the lookout for marmots, rabbits and hares on the rocky slopes. It swoops down on them with lightning speed. The Short-toed Eagle is a reptile specialist. It hovers tirelessly over open areas in search of snakes and lizards.

For lovers of graceful aerial silhouettes, the Peregrine Falcon, the world’s fastest swooping bird, offers a breathtaking spectacle. Its vertiginous dives, reaching speeds of over 300 km/h, enable it to capture birds in mid-air, as well as small mammals surprised by its lightning speed.

Verdon Wings – Away from the birds of prey

The Verdon is not only the kingdom of birds of prey. Many small birds enliven the landscape with their melodious songs and shimmering colours. The European Kingfisher with its flamboyant plumage. It dives deftly into the crystal-clear waters to catch fish. The barn swallow is a harbinger of spring. It builds its mud nests on the walls of houses and buildings, its silhouette twirling elegantly in the sky.

The House Robin, one of the most common birds in Europe, brings a splash of colour to gardens and parks. Its cheerful song and small size make it a familiar companion for walkers and nature lovers.

The more discreet

But the Verdon is also home to more discreet birds, whose presence is often overlooked by the general public. The tawny owl, a nocturnal hunter with piercing eyes, watches over the forests and valleys. The spotted woodpecker, a tree-trunk acrobat, drums its beak on the wood to mark its territory.

Birdwatching in the Verdon is an unforgettable experience that lets you connect with nature and admire the fragile beauty of these fascinating creatures. Each species, with its unique characteristics and singular way of life, contributes to the richness and diversity of this exceptional ecosystem.

Here are a few tips for birdwatching in the Verdon:

-Get up early and stay up late: Birds are most active early in the morning and late at night.

-Bring binoculars and a bird identification guide: This will help you to identify the species you see.

-Respect silence and the environment: Birds are easily frightened by noise and human presence.

-Don’t feed the birds: This can disrupt their natural behaviour and make them dependent on humans.

-Keep a safe distance from nests: Do not disturb birds while they are nesting.

By following these simple tips, you’ll have every chance of spotting many magnificent birds in the Verdon and enjoying an unforgettable experience.